The Bump in the Night

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

The Wicked Dream Ghost

This blog is one of many stories that will be included in my book “Ghosts, Should We Be Afraid?”   Visit my web site for a list of blogs and coming up ebooks to download.
The Wicked Dream Ghost
Today is Thursday October 14th and my Husband Larry and I have just returned from our fast trip to Las Vegas were I performed a wedding.  I came back wanting to write a blog about what happened in our hotel room that involved a spirit, but needed to figured out how to tell the story and how that impacted me and why.
The hotel was picked out by my husband because of the location being near his daughter’s home where the wedding would take place.  I am a minister and was asked to perform the ceremony.  So, being close to the neighborhood of the wedding was smart. 
Las Vegas has one of the greatest “play grounds for adults” in the world.  People can go and gamble, see shows or just be a tourist and look at the amazing buildings or people watch.  The Las Vegas basin is amazing large and sprinkled in outlying areas are numerous “older” casinos for the local community.
How many of you reading this blog know of people, who gamble with such passion as to be compared to someone who is an addict to drugs or alcohol? 
I am someone who regularly talks to spirit people.  I help Char of California Haunts in her investigations, and you’d think I would have acquired a rather tough shell to protect myself from negative or abusive spirits.
Well!   Our third and last night there at this hotel, I talked to Char on the phone concerning an investigation she was doing that night.  After telling her what I picked up, I packed to leave Las Vegas the next day. 
Getting to bed late, and perhaps it is because what I do for a living I had a great sense of spirit people (or person) in the room.  Oh well, just go to bed and get on with the trip I thought.
I rarely have nightmares or too turbulent dreams.  But, this night I had a dream of a man unknown to me, with his face sideways shouting at me!  He was shouting and shouting and wanting me to wet the bed!  I realized in this dream that this man did not belong.  He was telling me to “pee!”  I saw him turn his head and as he moved away he left laughing! 
I woke up just in time, a hurry trip to bathroom and then I got mad!
“How dare this man!”  Wait!  What did I think?  I said “Man”!
Yes, get that aware moment everyone, spirit people were once living people.  This man was a tease, possibly used to getting his way.  His being in this casino, may give a hint that he likes to be around many people.  Oh how I wanted to ask the staff, “Have you had many guests talk about ghosts?”
Getting back to town, I couldn’t wait to ask my two very psychic friends “what happened?”  One friend described how he looked and that he was laughing when he left as if, “Well I got her.  Ha!”  That he enjoyed watching the people gamble and drink and would follow them around.  Wow, I did not even tell her the entire store.
My head spinning I called my second friend and started to tell her what happened and she followed the same story line as I had felt and the other friend a few minutes earlier. 
In my conscious mind, I am completely in charge.  Char of that I do remote viewing and other ghost related tasks, made a commit one day, “you are the most grounded psychic, I have ever known”.  This is a great compliment.  But as I tell this story, I wasn’t so grounded in that Las Vegas hotel dream!
So, now since that trip I realize we need to be diligent to keep our “grounding” both conscious and in an unconscious state.  I have given my conscious mind commands to know my own body and own my dreams in an unconscious state. 
For you reading this story, I will cover “commanding control over your unconscious mind” in upcoming “class instruction”.
Which opens another idea, “What about ghosts who stay in our unconscious state and become ‘Hitchhikers”!   Oh my, possible in any state of unconscious? 
Clearly this also will also be a special focus in my book on Ghosts. 

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